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Thursday, September 30, 2010


Our good friends Jim and Tina were brave enough to attempt some craft time with our two demons.  They successfully created some creepy-crawly-pipe-cleaner-spiders and these awesome Batman masks.  Thanks Tina and Jim!

Apples, apples everywhere!

I know you may be getting tired of apple posts, but we are an apple-eating -pie-craving-applesauce-making family.  Who deserved another trip to a new apple orchard for us -Bailey's Orchard.  With true drive-in service...

one  happy apple-luvin' boy

Bro-in-law ben with his little bros-in-law

my 7-months-preggers stepdaughter reaching for the perfect apples

Granddaughter Riley sharing her radio flyer wagon with Uncle Brody

sweet precious girl

Doesn't this look like the Evil Queen's poison apple in Snow White?

Riley and her Papa (grandpa Duane)

Silly bros-in-law

the best family shot out of four...

Siblings - little bros with big sis Sarah

Friday, September 24, 2010

More apples and fall colors

This is by far my favorite time of the year.  The leaves are just beginning to change their colors, and while this is a less-than-glorious foliage season due to dry summer and fall weather, my photography skills certainly can't give justice to their colors.

The boys and I went apple picking on Saturday - mostly for the tractor ride, I think.
These 2 would not look at me at the same time.

bags just waiting to be filled...
County Fair Farmer's Market, our apple orchard suppliers! 

Many thanks to our kind cheuffeur

Brody desperately wanted to pick pumpkins, too, but we were without Daddy, so that had to wait.

But the apples didnt.  Have to wait , that is.


We also had some rockin' cinnamon buns this week..  The baked into such a huge roll  that Duane thought I had made cinnamon cake!

A very satisfied customer.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Welcome Baby Claire!

My  little sister, Angie,delivered her first baby on Saturday, September 18, at 8:30pm.  Here are the proud new parents, Rob and Angie.

Claire Lillian St. Jean weighed a whopping 8 lb., 8 oz., and will hopefully be brought home tonight.
Grandmommy and Claire - just look at those cheeks!

so peaceful in slumber.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Autumn days

 Our family has a unique sense of fashion..

The remains of our garden....the last of the okra and Indian corn...
Playing in our sandbox
See the baby spider,Bubba?
our constant companion, Maggie.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Apple picking 2010

We joined some friends for apple picking a few weeks ago.  Paula Reds and Harvest Golds were on our menu...
David, Korsen, Brody and Logan
Group shots are a bit of a gamble with toddlers...this was the best I could do...it was a very disctractingly big tractor.