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Thursday, May 07, 2009


My mom sent me a cute music birthday card - these music cards are Logan's favorites, providing hours of entertainment for all of us - thanks, Mom!


I was doing laundry the basement when I heard lots of thumping overhead. Thinking Brody must have come downstairs from his nap, I raced upstairs to find our pup, Maggie, rounding the corner kind of sheepishly, wrapped in our cars blanket (which was folded on the couch before I did laundry).

Friday, May 01, 2009

Haircut attempt

Logan has managed to evade the last 3 haircut attempts, a lovely display of screaming and squirming away from clippers or scissors. So Mommy tried today, amidst the distraction of lunch. Not too bad, and at least the mutton chops are gone...