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Friday, October 30, 2009

Here is our haunted gingerbread house...we needed the assistance of several toothpicks, but all in all, it was a fun event. Logan has now learned the word "ghost."

and a few goofy pictures for fun.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Pumpkin cake

We made this cake in honor of our guests a few weeks ago, but it seems appropriate to share this week of Halloween...

Monday, October 19, 2009

First Snow

Last night our damp drizzle turned to a magical fat, fluffy snow for about 30 minutes. This is the first snow Logan can really comprehend, and he calls is "nose"...he can't quite place the "s" in the right place. I wish I could have captured that sense of wonder on Logan's face, but the puzzled look is all I could manage

I just love how the snowflake near the center looks so huge. It looks like a foot-long snowflake - autofocus rocks.

Visit from the Muller family

We spent a wonderful week with the Muller family(one of Missy's college best buds, hubby and kiddos). Flori, Paul, Miriam and Lucas managed to not sink into our family's insanity, braving the cold temps for a pumpkin patch visit and some quality carving and craft time. Thanks for sharing your week with us, Mullers! Logan is still asking "where's baby".

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Groovin to Elmo

My dancing fools showing their moves to some Elmo music.

a punkin!

Today we went on our annual pumkin hunt, and both boys were so excited they could hardly nap. "Punkin" is one of Logan's newest words, and he immediate began pointing them out. He was most distressed when the tractor had to leave us in the patch to do a u-turn before collecting all of us and our pumpkins. Brody enjoyed the whole adventure, as always, especially since the farm added a bouncy house this year.

Brody's pumkpin

My 3 boys.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Watch out - Mom has clippers

Logan is at that stage of believing every stylist or barber is the Barber of Seville - he is petrified of them. So we have taken matters into our own hands....that'll teach him...

Fall fun

The leaves are in full color now, my favorite time of the year in New England, and we stay outside as often as Nature allows.

Halloween preview

Brody has a love/hate relationship with his costume. When we first showed it to him, he ran screaming that he wanted a different one...then he proceeded to wear it all day, even sleep with it. He seems mostly happy to be Spidey...until the next catalogue arrives.