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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Goodies from grandmommy

We received 2 large boxes of treats from Grandmommy today - this was the favorite, the "potty prize."  Now both boys can be Spidey in and out of the water. It's a miracle Brody did not sleep in this get-up...not sure if I can keep it away from camp, though...
There were also dozens of adorable outfits inside, as both Brody and Logan have seemed to jump a size mid-summer.  No more growing allowed here (unless you are a fruit or vegetable)! 

Monday, June 14, 2010

a garden tour

Meet the newest addition to our farm, Quincy
How the garden grows, potatoes, and radishes, oh my.
peas please
and this very yummy buttercrisp lettuce...
canola potatoes
and rows and rows and rows of corn
holy radishes, batman!

grow little carrots, grow!
Mr. Green Thumb examining the tomato plants...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

herbs and flowers

The little green garnish that decorated dinner last week was from our little herb batch...
Our island garden is growing nicely
I just love these peonies - courtesy of Duane's sister Betsy, originally from their grandparents farm.

Memorial Day 2010

We enjoyed a bright and beautiful memorial day, smelling the dianthus in our gardens
and waited pretty patiently for the parade to begin
with our very good friends from Music Class
The boys were very impressed with the guard at the beginning of the parade
Second in line was the Camden Rockport High School band
Oh,the memories...
 And we ended our morning with some splashin in the surf of the
Rockport Harbor