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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Serious fun

Our boys have really enjoyed our swingset and sandbox.  With this amazing fall warm weather, it has been hard to resist those outdoor luxuries this time of year.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

fall colors

Logan and I enjoyed a beautiful fall leaf collecting expedition the other day.  Have I mentioned that fall is my absolute-all-time-favorite season in Maine???

 our driveway
 our backyard

I love meandering along our driveway
 in our pasture
some interesting backyard neighbors....

Monday, October 08, 2012


We finally revisited one of our favorite pre-kiddo adventures - backpacking.  Immediately following the boys' football game, we headed over to Camden Hills State Park for the 2.5 mile hike to the rustic cabin.
It was really well-stocked with firewood, even an outhouse!
The boys' favorite part was the bunk beds - they had the bottom, and Duane and I had the top

And we enjoyed some fine camp food

On Saturday, we hiked to the summit of Bald Rock Mountain

We ended our day with some salamader - spotting.  So much for the catching - they were slippery little buggers

And a cozy fire in the cabin (one of my favorite parts)
A wonderful adventure shared by all

 a glimpse of Penobscot Bay through the branches