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Sunday, July 03, 2011

Tee Ball Finale

Brody had a wonderful time with tee ball this year.  He had a bit of a learning curve, since neither Duane nor I are avid baseball fans.  This was the perfect chance for Brody to meet his future classmates, and learn about being a part of a team.
 There was plenty of goofing around.
 And lots of chatter  He is a chatterbox, that one.
 While Daddy and Logan watched in support.

 We did not tell Brody about the trophies given to the team after the season.
 It was a beautiful surprise
 I just love this expression of wonder.
And joy.
He asked to sleep with the trophy, but we convinced him to keep it on his bookshelf.

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Preschool graduation

It is so hard to believe that Brody will be in school full time next fall.  A full kindergartener - how did that happen???
Last day of preschoool - here I come!