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Saturday, February 28, 2009

My happy boys
We can't seem to keep Logan out of the laundry basket lately, which can be trecherous considering the amounts of laundry we produce...

The aftermath of Logan's first time with yogurt on his own...
Early last week Maine received mounds of snow - we were closed to 20 inches...never ceases to impress me.
Brody in his new snow-tunnel-igloo thingee.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Yesterday Duane dug our snowmobile out of the snowbank - the first time we have seen it in about years. After hours of struggling with the sled, she finally started up...but wouldn't run. Brody was just thrilled to be with Dad.

So he settled for an old-fashioned sled ride.

Our furry barnyard pals, Pony (still haven't gotten around to naming the poor guy) and Domino

Logan has his first pair of snow boots - we can't keep him out of the snow, so a shopping we did go - and found the perfect little pair.

Catch of the day

We spent a little time Saturday taking Brody ice fishing for the first time. There was a local even for kids on a nearby lake, and while the windchills were arctic, we hung in for a solid half hour.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before the flag flew up, and Dad helped Brody reel in the big one.

Brody was thrilled to have caught a fish with his Dad.

A nice sized pickerel...not good eating, though, so we sent him back home through the hole in the ice.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Winter Blanket

A heavy snowfall is so beautiful...especially if you don't have to plow or shovel too much.

Our snowman over more snow, and snowman #2, the casualty of our puppy.

Her royal heiness, Maggie.


We are officially under a new blanket of fact, it is still snowing outside. Logan absolutely LOVES snow. After falling a zillion times (it's not easy to trek in a foot of snow on wobbly little feet) he was still focused on walking back and forth along the garage. Yes, we did have mittens, Mom...3 sets.

Finally, I am no longer a failure as a Yankee mom. We finally made a respectable snowman, rolling balls and everything.

And Maggie, our puppy, found the mittens most desirable.

We made a second snowman a few hours later, with more inches of snow arriving, masking Snowman# 1....but the partnership was never to be...the puppy bodyslammed the second snowman for the carrot nose....he is now in pieces on the snowbank.

Merry snowmen.

Logan's Weilding a Spoon!

So this is the first time I have actively given Logan a spoon for feeding himself, and he is a natural! But I'm not ready tounleash him with yogurt...we'll still with scrabled eggs for now.

Monday, February 16, 2009

dinnah table pics

Sweets for my sweets on Valentine'sDay

Breakfast grins

Can anyone name that jelly?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Time Outs

The best disciplinary rule for the moment we have found for our 3 year old is time outs, which he has realized he can impose on his parents when he deems them is Dad in his timeout, doing his best impression of Brody in a timeout ( a little confusing, I know, but hilarious at the time)

more house pics II

Our cozy library

Guest bathroom

the breezeway between house and garage

Our Kitchen, with the breakfast bar impeding some of the right of the picture

House tour II

The sheetrockers have arrived, so now we can really see things taking shape on the inside. Pardon the dust in the pics!
This first photo is the view from a corner of our kitchen, off of which there is a small sitting area with a fireplace.

A quick shot of the boys' bathroom

Brody's bedroom

Family/sitting room
Another view of the sitting room

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Snow daze

Finally the temps rose above 30 today, so it seemed safe to play in the snow for a bit. Our new puppy is not very fond of the cold...her coat is still a little thin, so she kept trying to cuddle with Logan in the sled - very sweet.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Brody turns 3

We celebrated Brody's birthday last Saturday with a "Wight Keen" (lightning mcqueen in toddler-ese) birthday cake and ice cream with friends and family. Brody was so thrilled to see his friend Sarah, who he hadn't visited with since fall...he continues to ask about her each day since the party...guess mom and bubba are getting to be pretty boring.