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Saturday, February 09, 2013

Blizzard Nemo hits Maine!

Cold Meiser hit us with a big snowy punch - somewhere between 2-3 feet of snow has fallen, and drifts are over 5 feet.  In fact, some snow drifts are taller than me!  Now this is what I call winter.

Brody trying to decide if the fun was equal to the work of putting on snow gear.

 snow maggie!  this dog loves her snow, but even she was ready to go inside after an hour.

 a giant snow cone...Brody's favorite winter snack

 wrestling gone awry...

whew.  done shoveling.  for now.

Brody's birthday

Wow - I feel old saying I have a 7 year old....time is flying wayyyy too fast.   Brody is ever eager to have a reason to partay, and this was no exception...

Logan's Birthday

So hard to believe our youngest turned 5 this past January 8.  Feels like he was just a bundle of baby boy, snuggling him to sleep in our arms.  He was super excited for his big day!


Wow, it's been a busy month.  Lots of travelling for me, and plenty of celebrating of birthdays and holidays.  Below is a Christmas review

tears of joy from my big boy, and a loud shout out to thank Santa