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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Apple picking 2010

Brody has determined that after last year's apple picking adventure with Sarah and Ben, this is to be an annual affair. Today was a perfect day for apple picking,

Sarah, Ben and Baby Riley


A visit from Aunts Rona and Joelle

My wonderful college friends travelled manhy miles from Pheonix, AZ to visit last weekend, and we so thoroughly enjoyed their company that I did not take any pictures - nope, not even one. We did manage to eat a whole lot of seafood and make our way through a good amount of wine and Cadillac Mountain Stout beer. Thank you gals for your understanding when it came to touring about - our cold-infested children were less than cooperative for travelling, but had a blast....and for some reason, Logan pops out often with "side of the eye"...

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Brody's First Day of Preschool

The much anticipated day has finally arrived - Brody's first day at Dickory Dock Nursery School. He came racing into the bathroom hopping up and down as soon as he woke up - quite a change from my groggy not-really-a-morning boy. He was so happy to finally arrive at school, and when I said we were going to have to leave, he grew very upset - until he realized that just Logan and Mommy were leaving, and he could stay at school. His favorite moment: singing the peanut song. I guess I'll be learning the peanut song soon, too...

I somehow thought Logan would be more lost, but he toddled into the playroom and began loading up his schoolbus, happy as a clam.

Monday, September 07, 2009

My not-so-little Baby Boy

Tomorrow is Brody's first day of nursery school, and I am getting the jitters - he is thrilled, and can't wait...I couldn't stop watching him sleep during his rest today, snuggling his books in anticipation of tomorrow...

More Windsor Fair

The fairs are a favorite for both boys - there are loads of rides, which has now eased into Logan's vocabulary (mo wide peas= more ride please).

I began to think I was the most irresponsible parent ever after letting Logan ride with Brody on this helicopter ride. Brody just sustained a head injury from bashing against the window during the ride (it was very minor), and Logan white-knuckled it the whole time, grinning from ear to ear.
Everyone's favorite engineer.

I just love Logan's expression here.

Windsor Fair 2009

We went to the Windsor Fair yesterday. We are nearing the end of fair season in Maine, and we usually attend the fairs in Union, Windsor, and the Common Ground Fair. We were searching for a meat critter at this fair, but all we found were registered livestock - which were for sale at a pretty price. They were lovely to pat, nonetheless.

Here, Brody tells Logan " Come here, Bubba. See - this is how you pet a cow. Just reach out like this."

Serious fair-go-ers bring their own stadium seats for the horse pulls.

Now if only they made a ride like this for adults...

Movin' in

The horses have now made their move into their new home, complete with private stalls and turnout pens and a huge new 8 acre pasture...Domino seems thrilled with it all, although our new addition Boston seems to miss having Domino to push around at mealtime...

A sulking Boston

A new hat

Logan has reached another milestone - he has outgrown his high chair. He now sits on a booster at the table. This is from our first attempt to remove the high chair tray and sit at the table for breakfast (the high chair ended up being too low, and he grew more interested in this placemat than his meal...)

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Maine State Aquarium

We have just returned from an exciting adventure at the Maine State Aquarium. I took the plunge and packed up the kids and a picnic lunch, and we made our way down the winding coastal roads away from the bustling center of Boothbay Harbor down through the private coastal homes of West Boothbay and to this wonderful little gem of an aquarium. It is impossible to compare it to any big city aquariums with all those bells and whistles, but this aquatic site was filled with Maine fish from all over this region, including the brown trout in our local lake and the lobstsers we dine on, as well as having 2 touch tanks steeming with hermit crabs, oysters, horseshoe crabs, starfish, sea slug/cucumber things, and more lobsters. In this picture, Brody is showing Logan a very small starfish. I think Brody could have spent all day at this tank...but then he discovered the dogfish tank. The dogfish resemble small sharks, and were very friendly, swimming at the surface for pats and bobbing up and down to entertain our small audience. Many thanks to those parents who helped this frazzled mom and helped pick up those slimy fish mom wasn't too keen on touching(workaholic dad was home fencing in horses). A lovely lunch spent watching the boats float about the harbor, and the seagulls pester us for food.
Aforementioned seagull and boats

Brody eagerly talking about these treasures of the touch tank.

Farewell Kelsey

Our lovely babysitter Kelsey visited the other day to say goodbye, as she is now moving into her dorm room in Florida and Pensacola Christian College. Kelsey was our first regular babysitter, and she endured all the basic horrors of a terribly two year old and baby diapers/sudden sicknesses with grace and kindness - we will miss you, Kelsey, and wish you the very best in school. And in her usual thoughtful style, Kelsey brought gifts to her biggest fans (tootsie roll pops for the little guys and a lovely flower arrangement for the big guys) - thank you, Kelsey!

Thursday, September 03, 2009

You know you're a Mainah

There is no doubt about it. My poor boys never had a chance to even learn the letter "r" before they have lost it in conversation. I guess you know you have a Mainah-child when his (Logan's) first words are:
cah (car)
bahn (barn)
digga (digger)
dinnah (dinner)
hammah (hammer)
Well, I may always be a flatlander, but my boys are tried and true Mainers.

Logan’s absolute favorite possession is a phone. Now it doesn’t have to be an actual phone to be considered a phone by Logan, if you know what I mean. Here, some wooden brackets are his “phones” – they are, in fact, his favorite phones, even over my old cell phone!

Baking with Brody

Daddy couldn't resist the dinosaur cookie cutter set at TJ Maxx, and of course, we had to break it in as soon as it was discovered. Brody has always been my baking assistant. As soon as I break out the flour, he dashes into the dining room for a chair to stand on next to me.

Logan would love to help, too, but Brody is quite protective of his role, and Logan is still a little too wiggly on a chair.

The finished product

Chickens on parade

The day has finally arrived that our little bantams could move into their new condo at the new barn. Daddy was glad to be finished with that part, at least.
Brody was in charge of the relocation driving process, and Logan supervised.
Their new chicken park - their condo is just up the ramp in the barn.

sleep tight

I just realized that I have few very pictures of Logan at rest. This is one of the sweetest times of the day, when all his little moments shine. He always asks for his "bet", which is his blanket - and he wants all 3 that I hand over the end of his bed. He will not sleep without each one. Then, after I say " I love you", he immediately purses and begins smacking his lips for his goodnight kiss. I suppose my attention seems immediately diverted after I put him to sleep. Lately, this is the only time Bubba is still...sleep tight, sweet baby.

Bob the Builder (revisited)

I remember not so long ago when our Bob the builder toolbet set was purchased, and this little man was just a few weeks he fits it all perfectly. And Brody wanted to join in the fun, too.